Welcome to Tamar Vintage Tractors, a family-run business located on the edge of West Dartmoor in Devon, UK.
We specialise in the buying and selling of classic tractors and other machinery, and are dedicated to quality products and customer satisfaction.
We boast a wide selection of vintage tractors, catering to every need. Browse our current stock and discover the perfect tractor for you!
As a small business, we kindly ask you to contact us in advance to arrange a viewing, so that we can provide you with the best experience. We look forward to welcoming you.

How it all began
I have had a keen interest in mechanics for as long as I can remember. Growing up on my family farm in West Devon, there was always the opportunity to 'tinker' and maintain our working machinery alongside my father. Time away from the farm was spent at my parents Land Rover showroom, where I learnt to work alongside our experienced technicians, gaining invaluable skills along the way.
I acquired my first tractor at just 13 years of age; a Massey Ferguson 35X, which I repaired under the guidance of my father. The Massey was soon put to work on the farm, scraping cubicles and feeding cattle, a role which it continues to fulfil for us today. A complete engine overhaul was required along the way, but other than regular servicing and maintenance, it has remained predominantly original.
As I get older, my passion for 'all things old and mechanical' has grown and I now have a collection of tractors dating back to 1938, including models such as Fordson, Allis Chalmers, Ferguson, Massey Ferguson, Field Marshall and John Deere and more recently, a Rumley Oil-Pull. As the collection grows its given me a passion to source vintage tractors and sell a few along the way!
I pride myself on providing detailed and accurate descriptions of all the tractors I advertise, which has resulted in the rapid expansion of the business over the past year. It is not unknown to sell a tractor on the day it goes to press, so if you see something that takes your fancy, please get in touch!
- Matt Young -